Lemon curd


Published on : Monday , 27th November ,2023

by Kamini Bhanwal

Are you tired of the same old spreads and toppings? Looking for something to add a zing to your life? Well, look no further, because lemon curd is here to save the day! This tangy, creamy, and oh-so-delicious treat is the perfect addition to your pantry. Whether you spread it on toast, dollop it on scones, or use it as a filling for cakes and pastries, lemon curd is sure to brighten up your day (and your taste buds)!

What exactly is lemon curd?

Before we dive into the wonders of lemon curd, let's get one thing straight: it's not actual curd. No, it's not some strange dairy product that curdles and separates. Lemon curd is a smooth, velvety spread made from lemon juice, sugar, eggs, and butter. It's like sunshine in a jar, ready to add a burst of flavor to anything it touches.

How do you make lemon curd?

Making lemon curd is easier than you might think. All you need are a few simple ingredients and a bit of patience.

Lemon curd’s versatility comes from its balance of sweet and tangy flavours. Its smooth, velvety texture and bright citrus notes make it a perfect filling, topping, or swirl for a variety of pastries. It can complement both sweet and savoury dishes, adding depth and a burst of freshness.


Lemon juice to taste (we have used about 34g)

Egg yolks 100g

Castor sugar 100g

Butter 100g

Vanilla extract 1 tsp


Start with cooking the yolks and sugar on a double boiler until thickened (5-7 minutes). Continuously whisk the mixture at this stage.
Add lemon juice.
Continue cooking for an additional 2-3 minutes.

Remove from the double boiler and incorporate the butter. Add vanilla extract to the lemon curd mixture and blend it. The mixture will look thick and creamy.

You can also add some lemon zest for an extra kick, lemon zest enhances the flavour of lemon curd Things to remember
-Low and slow cooking prevents curdling.
-keep mixing to ensure even cooking.

-strain the mixture to get creamier product.

More about the recipe
Fresh Lemons: For juice and zest.
Sugar: Balances the tartness.
Eggs: Contribute to the luscious texture. Butter: Adds richness.

Vanilla Extract
Its sweet, warm, and aromatic notes act as enhancers, not overpowering but complementing the existing tastes. It adds a depth and complexity that can elevate the overall flavor profile of a dessert, making it more well-rounded and satisfying. It is a secret ingredient that whispers richness and warmth without stealing the spotlight. It just binds everything together and enhances the flavour be it a cookie, custard, cream or a cake.

Usage Ideas:

Lemon curd is a pastry MVP. It’s not just a spread; it’s a flavour booster. Fill tarts, layer cakes, or swirl it into yogurt for a zesty twist.


Do try this at home and post your pictures and comments !
Happy baking